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Ben Filer Registered Massage Therapy
- Address:
134 Dalhousie St.
Brantford, Ontario
N3T 2J3 - Phone:
- 226-388-0536
- Email:
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Ben Filer RMT provides therepeutic massage in a professional setting. Massage therapy can help alleviate a range of physical and emotional discomforts, improve circulation, immune system function and aid in regulating the nervous system.
Through continued education, I have developed my own style, taking what I learn have learner from programs and courses, and applying it to the clients' indvidual needs to best serve them.
If you curious whether massage might help you or your loved ones, please contact to discuss.
Email is the best method to contact me, as I am often busy with clients.
Book online at
Disclaimer: Most business listings are provided by a third party service. The City of Brantford's Economic Development office does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the data. Due to the nature and scope of the market in general, the listings shown within this application do not represent all active businesses within Brantford. Please contact the business directly for more information.