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Please note that only businesses located in Brantford will be displayed in this directory.
Shallow Creek Academy of Hair Design
- Address:
207 Greenwich St
Brantford, ON
N3S 2X7 - Phone:
- 226-227-1000
- Email:
- Website:
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- Products/Services:
Shallow Creek Academy of Hair Design is a Private Career College for Hairstyling/Barbering and Aesthetics, offering a hairstyling diploma program, a variety of aesthetic certificate programs, and operating a full service salon.
Shallow Creek Academy | 226-227-1000 |
Disclaimer: Most business listings are provided by a third party service. The City of Brantford's Economic Development office does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the data. Due to the nature and scope of the market in general, the listings shown within this application do not represent all active businesses within Brantford. Please contact the business directly for more information.